Bread Onion Menduwada

Bread Onion Menduwada.

Bread Onion Menduwada You can have Bread Onion Menduwada using 12 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Bread Onion Menduwada

  1. It's 10-15 of bread slice (leftover).
  2. You need 1/4 cup of Semolina.
  3. You need 1/4 cup of rice flour.
  4. It's 2 tbsp of green chillies ginger garlic paste.
  5. Prepare To taste of Salt.
  6. Prepare 4-5 tbsp of Curd.
  7. It's 2 of finely chopped onions.
  8. It's 1/4 cup of chopped coriander leaves.
  9. You need 4-5 of Chopped sweet Curry leaves (optional).
  10. It's As needed of Oil for frying.
  11. Prepare As needed of Chutney (while serving).
  12. You need As needed of Sambhar (while serving).

Bread Onion Menduwada instructions

  1. Take bowl add roughly chopped bread, Semolina, rice flour and green chillies ginger garlic paste..
  2. Now add chopped onions, curd and salt..
  3. Now add coriandor leaves. Mix and make fine dough. Cover it and keep a side for 10-15 min. So the Onion can release the water..
  4. Now knead it again make lemon size balls. Flatten on hand. Make hole in the middle like Menduwada. Make all Menduwadas..
  5. Take a pan add oil on Medium flame. When oil get hot fry all Menduwadas into golden in colour..
  6. Serve with chutney and shambar. Enjoy.

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