Fried Bluegill Eggs

Fried Bluegill Eggs.

Fried Bluegill Eggs You can have Fried Bluegill Eggs using 6 ingredients and 13 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Fried Bluegill Eggs

  1. You need 1 of any amount of eggs or roe from bluegill, whole with sack intact.
  2. Prepare 1 of parmesan cheese, enough to coat your eggs.
  3. You need 1 of salt.
  4. Prepare 1 of pepper.
  5. Prepare 1 of flour, enough to coat your eggs.
  6. It's 1 of Vegetable oil, enough to cover half the eggs in skillet.

Fried Bluegill Eggs step by step

  1. Bluegills, a small panfish found in freshwater lakes and streams and some rivers, are a popular game fish among anglers due to their feisty nature and excellent taste. During the spawning season, usually in late May through August, bluegill females produce eggs. The best chance for catching a bluegill with eggs is during the peak of the spawning season when water temperatures are between 67 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit..
  2. bluegill eggs are considered a delicacy in some areas. popular with poor folk. it is also known as poor mans caviar...
  3. directions: carefully remove eggs sacks from the bluegills belly.. be sure to not break the sacks that enclose the eggs..
  4. heat oil in a skillet..
  5. rinse eggs sacks in cold water very gently by filling a dish with water and with fingertips swish the egg sacks around to rinse them..
  6. remove from water and in palm coat with parmesan cheese, and sprinkle with salt and pepper..
  7. carefully in a bowl with flour roll the egg sacks in the flour..
  8. coat completely.
  9. gently place eggs into hot grease and fry for only about a minute on each side..
  10. you will get some eggs that expand and explode in hot grease. please be careful..
  11. serve alongside and fish dish or with your morning breakfast..
  12. hint... also can be done with catfish roe/eggs, waleye, and crappy.. ive never tried any other fish as of yet. walleye bring the best tasting and catfish being the most fishy tasting..
  13. my grandpa believed nothing goes to waste. and so this is his recipe. r.i.p. grandpa Hawkins!.

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